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Rent a Salon Suite and Untap Your Potential

By May 15, 2024July 22nd, 2024Salon Spa Blog
rent a salon suite srental and make a business plan

Rent a salon suite and untap your potential? Really? Sounds like some marketing scam, like some click bait designed to get you to read the article but one with very little redeeming value.

We assure you it is not; read on and find out why a salon suite rental can open up brand new horizons for you.

We are Salon & Spa Galleria, serving the Greater Fort Worth Metro area with twenty-three affordable salon suite rental locations. Call us at 817-917-1416 for more information and to arrange for a tour.

Now, though, let’s talk about your potential.

Are you currently working for someone else?

Let’s just for a moment talk about a very likely scenario.  You are a talented beautician, either a hair stylist or nail specialist of microblading professional or some other type of pro.  You work for someone else in a beauty salon, hair salon, nail salon, etc., because, quite frankly, you never could afford to own your own salon.  Money is always an issue, right? And the idea of having enough money to open a beauty salon is wild dream stuff, right?

You are working on commission, maybe raking in $50,000 per year, which sounds good until you realize that your rent or mortgage payment is $3000 per month, or $36,000 per year, and suddenly your $50,000 doesn’t sound very good.  And worse, yet, is the fact that our employer has no desire, or incentive, to pay you more.

You are stuck in a dead-end gig with no escape.

Except that there is, in fact, an escape hatch, and it is called a salon suite rental.

Rent a salon suite and own your business.

Salon suites for rent are inexpensive options which allow you to own a salon at a fraction of the cost.  You are renting one room rather than one building.  And, if the salon suite you rent is at a place like Salon & Spa Galleria, most of your overhead is included in the rental price.  For example, at Salon & Spa Galleria, the following amenities are included in the rental price:

  • 24/7 salon access
  • 24/7 security monitoring
  • Plenty of parking for tenants and clients
  • Convenient access
  • Handicap accessible
  • Wide hallways
  • Comfortable waiting area
  • On site laundry room free to all tenants. We even provide the soap.
  • Break room with microwave, sink, Keurig, refrigerator
  • Endless instant hot water with tankless hot water heaters.
  • Smart TV with fiber in each room
  • Free wifi for tenants and your customers
  • Decorate your suite how you want!
  • Utilities included (water and elec)
  • Wash bowl or sink in each suite
  • Beautiful state-of-the-art equipment available

Those amenities easily save you $300-$500 per month in overhead expenses, making this a very affordable solution to owning a salon.

100% of the profits earned are yours.

Let’s go back to that scenario where you made $50,000 per year working in a beauty salon owned by someone else. You were working for 40% commission, meaning 60% of the profits went to the owner, meaning another $75,000.

Which sounds better to you? Making $125,000, or making $50,000?  To our way of thinking this is a no-brainer decision.  We are talking financial freedom vs being dependent upon the largesse of another person.  It is always best when you are in control, right?  You have the talent. Why not make that talent pay for you and only you?

A final word about Salon & Spa Galleria.

Salon & Spa Galleria is locally owned and operated, and we invite you to call us and arrange for a tour.  When you do, ask us about the 26-step business plan and marketing workshops which are included in our rental package.