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How To Increase Sales in a Hair Salon

By March 16, 2023Salon Spa Blog
tips on how to market your salon studio

If you own a hair salon, without a doubt one of the things always on your mind is how to increase sales.  If that is true, and we are pretty sure it is, this article should help. We are Salon & Spa Galleria, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with twenty-two salon suite rental agencies, and we have some tips which we believe will help you to increase sales in your hair salon, nail salon, microblading salon, or beauty salon.  Call us at 817-917-1416 for more information and to arrange for a tour of one of our locations.

Now, let’s talk about increasing your sales.

Hair salon sales increase Tip #1

The first tip is something that every fledgling business owner is told to do, but an alarmingly large number of them do not do, and it hurts them in the long run.  Before you ever open your doors to customers, you must sit down and write out a mission statement.

This seems like such a nonsense thing to do if you have never owned a business, but we believe it is crucial. A mission statement is your guiding light, and sole purpose of your business, and every business decision you make must be reconciled by your mission statement.  Believe us, it works, and eventually will result in increased sales.

Hair salon sales increase Tip #2

This next tip is a hard pill to swallow. Everyone who starts a business wants to go gung-ho, dive into it head first, and try all of their ideas at once.  It’s only natural to do that, and it can also be crippling for your business.

Take it slow! Mistakes are made in the first few months of business, and many of those mistakes are caused by trying to do too much too soon.  Take a deep breath, gear down, and concentrate on the next tip.

Tip #3 for increasing sales

Never, ever forget this tip: Customer service is your bread and butter.  You can be the greatest stylist on the planet, but poor customer service will leave you with a great amount of spare time on your hands during business hours.  We could expound on this, but the basic premise has always been true: Word of mouth advertising is free and it is incredibly fruitful.  If you treat your customers right, they will tell their friends, and before you know it, your customer base will grow in size.

Tip #4 for increasing sales

Become an online social media expert.  There is no way around it, social media rules advertising these days, and the sooner you gain a firm grasp on Instagram and TikTok and YouTube, the better. Learn as much as you can about SEO, and integrate it into your business tasks.  And related to this tip, we also suggest you concentrate on one or two social media sites, and not try to use them all.  There are just too many for any one person to utilize properly.

A final word about Salon & Spa Galleria

Salon & Spa Galleria is locally owned and operated, and we have luxury salon suites starting at $75 per week.  You really can’t afford NOT to call us today and ask us about our long list of amenities included in that low rental price.