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The Top Three Reasons To Rent A Salon Suite

By May 19, 2021Blog
salon suite

We are Salon & Spa Galleria, serving the Greater Fort Worth area with twelve locations, and each location is a great opportunity for those looking to rent a salon suite, so obviously we are bit biased when it comes to how we feel about a booth rental.  But hear us out! We are going to present you with the top three reasons why we believe you should rent a salon suite.  After we present those reasons, if you still have questions, call us at 972-691-7300, and we will do out best to answer them truthfully.  And if you are in the Greater Fort Worth area, and you would like a tour of one of our twelve locations, that can be worked out as well.

The top three reasons to rent a salon suite

We believe the top reasons to rent a salon suite are as follows:

  • Extremely low price
  • A boatful of amenities
  • Freedom from the yoke

Let’s look at each of these in more detail and remember, the information presented here applies only to Salon & Spa Galleria. We can’t give specifics about a suite rental in Omaha or Portland.

Extremely low price

How does your own salon suite rental for around $100 per week sound to you?  Think about that figure for a moment.  $100 per week rental cost means you could cover your overhead after serving one or two customers on a Monday, meaning the rest of your week, and all the business that entails, would be profit in your pocket.

Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not! We would be as successful as we are, opening two new locations during the pandemic year, if we gave false, or exaggerated, information.

Even a beautician, or nail specialist, or a microblading or tattoo professional with a modest client base can afford $100 per week for a beautiful salon studio.

A boatful of amenities

But that low price isn’t the end of the values. At Salon & Spa Galleria, that low price includes utilities. It also includes WiFi and a big screen television.  It also includes laundry facilities and video monitoring for your security.  Heck, if you need furniture, we can even arrange for that to happen.

And, for good measure, we will give you your own web page on our website, a free press release announcing your arrival to our team of clients, and we will provide marketing and business workshops so you can learn on the fly how to be successful.

All for $100 per week!

Freedom from the yoke

Very few people enjoy working for someone else. That’s just the real of it, and it is especially true in the beauty service industry. Why work for commissions in someone else’s beauty salon, when you can be pocketing all of the profits for yourself.  It just makes no sense to us why people would choose 40% instead of 100% of the profits.

Have you dreamed of financial independence? Well, we are offering it to our clients on a silver platter.

A word about Salon & Spa Galleria

Locally owned and operated . . . twelve locations with more planned as of the writing of this article . . . we are the hot item in the beauty service industry in the Fort Worth area. Call us today and change you life tomorrow.