If you are looking for booth rentals in the DFW area then you have found the best place that you will find here at Salon and Spa Galleria. There are other salons that offer booth-rentals but they will not have any that will be like ours and we would like to show you why so stop by for a tour as soon as you get a chance. We have made renting a chair so much easier than it used to be and all you have to do is just add it to your rent for the week and you are good. So, if you want to rent a chair then you will first need to find the suite that you like the best and the salon location then you will be able to to get a hair salon chair from us. We have salon locations all over DFW for you to come to look at that are in places like Grapevine and Fort Worth as well as Mansfield so that you can choose what location you like the most. There are other ways to become a owner stylist such as buying your own building but if you want something that will not cost as much money then a suite rental salon would be a good choice. There are so many reasons to choose us as your next location for your business such as the hair stylist chairs that we offer to all of the stylists that do not have a chair of their own yet. Well, before you go to any other salon looking to find hair stylist jobs you might want to consider coming to see one of our salon leasing managers. If you are a mobile hair stylist wanting to lease a suite then all you have to do is just stop by to get a tour.