A great place to meet new people is a hair salon right? To the little old lady getting the curls she always gets to the baby girl or boy getting their first hair cut. Everybody needs their hair cut, colored. straightened, or sewn in, either way the service is always in demand. What about the people behind the chair doing the work? Stylist, estheticians, lash technicians, brow technician or even a massage therapist. Clients are diverse so should the services provided by the salons. If you work in a commission based salon most likely there is only very few services provided. Salon and Spa Galleria is one salon you will find that has different services. Hair salons Grapevine, hair salons Mansfield, hair salons Fort Worth and hair salons Arlington is where Salon and Spa is located. take a tour of our locations and see for your self we are very diverse compared to other salons. Most hair studios are commission based so its time to make your dream of owning and working for yourself. It can stop being a dream and become your life if you just call 972-691-7300. Hair studio Arlington is the place to visit for a Salon and Spa Galleria Arlington. hair salons Keller, hair salons Irving and hair salons Southlake is jus a short drive to our grapevine location. Make the drive and you wont regret driving to Grapevine. All out suites for rent are move in ready and Salon and spa galleria does provide a thirty two inch flat screen TV supplied with DIRECTV to entertain your customers or to enjoy in your down time. We also do offer chairs for rent if you are looking to own your own business but don’t want a suite yet. It also goes the other way to say that if you are renting a chair right now but want something more to yourself we have many suites for rent to choose from.