In order to find a salon in Arlington, find a salon in Fort Worth or find a salon in Mansfield that fits you, you need to take a look at all that the salon you are renting at offers you as a business owner and tenant. Our luxury salon suites give you twenty-four-hour access to the salon so you never have to worry about running out of time while you are servicing your clients, stay as late or come in as early as you need.
Make your own schedule and own money today. Working for yourself is no longer a huge problem; we will get you started today what’s better than working for yourself and making your own money. Start servicing your clients in a private suite of your own. We have many locations to better service where you are located and where you would need to be located to service your clients.
We try and make our salons a one-stop shop for all clients that come through our doors so we welcome all beauty professionals to join our team in your own salon suite. Just give us a call and set up a tour with our leasing manager and see what all that we have to offer you and your business.