Starting a salon business with booth-rental is a great way to see if you are ready to start your own business because you do not have the level of commitment you do with buying a property. We have salon managers here at Salon and Spa Galleria that can help you with starting your own suite and with the business builder that we offer you are sure to do great. The beauty industry can be hard but if you want hair stylist resume example a great place to see them is going to be at a hair stylist school and a hair stylist resume is really not as good as a portfolio any way. There are many hair color experts out there that are looking for hair stylist jobs when they could easily start their own business with us and one of our suite rentals. If you do want to lease a suite from one of our salons but you do not have a chair then do not worry because we offer a hair salon chair rental. One of our salon managers can also help you with any hair stylist business card designs that you want to get in order to have a fresh look for your company. A hair stylist job description is really going to depend on what the stylist offers in services and what they specialize in. So, if they are really good at color then they would be described as a color expert and have all of the best in services for color. If you are wanting to know more about all of the great salons that we have and what it would take to get in to one of our hair stylist chairs then all you have to do is come talk to one of our salon leasing managers.