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Spa Space for Rent: Unlock Your Potential

By February 28, 2024Salon Spa Blog
spa room rental

When we say that leasing a spa space for rent is the best way to finding success as a beauty/health professional, it is not hyperbole.  We truly believe that the spa suite rental industry is the best thing to happen to the beauty scene in over one-hundred years; it allows for “rags to riches” stories to come true, and we are here to tell you why that is. We are Salon & Spa Galleria, serving the Greater Fort Worth Metro area with twenty-three spa room rental agencies. Call us at 817-917-1416 for more information on our spa rooms for rent and to arrange for a tour of our salon suites.

Let’s talk about unlocking that potential of yours.

How does a spa space for rent work?

The basic business model for a spa rental space is this: you, the talented professional, rent a spa space, or spa suite, rather than an entire building/retail establishment, as has been done since the early 1900s.  In other words, instead of owning a beauty salon with five or six employees, you will own a spa with just you as the lone employee, or possibly one other person working with you.  Of course, large spa suites will allow for more employees if you choose, but let’s start small with this example.

The beauty of this is, obviously, a much lower lease payment. Instead of paying thousands for retail space, you are paying hundreds, and that fact, right there, means this is an affordable option for people who do not have much investment capital.

The suite rental is in a building with other suite rentals, all rented by other professionals.  You will most likely find a nail specialist, a hair specialist, a microblading specialist, a massage suite, a spa like yours, all in one common building, all conveniently located in one area which makes it very convenient for customers.

Is this a franchise situation?

The type of business model we are describing is not a franchise situation. At Salon & Spa Galleria, there is no franchise fee. There is no entry level payment or secret handshake.  You are simply renting space for your business, and in that business you keep 100% of your profits.  All we ask for is our monthly rental fee.

Finding the best rental package available.

“The devil is in the details,” a saying we have all heard for years, and it applies when talking about renting salon suites.  The key to having the lowest overhead possible in this business is in finding the best rental package available. By that we mean what is included in that rental fee you will be paying?  Utilities?  WiFi? Laundry facilities? Those things are free at Salon & Spa Galleria, along with a free web page, a free HDTV, free workshops, a 26-step business plan, laundry facilities, and furniture if needed. In fact, in the Fort Worth Metro area, we offer the best rental package from among all of our competitors, meaning we offer the best chance for you, the talented professional, to succeed during those crucial early months.

Find the best rental package, cut those expenses down as much as possible, and then open up for business and do your thing!

A final word about Salon & Spa Galleria.

Salon & Spa Galleria is locally owned and operated, and we believe that’s an important fact.  We are an active part of this community.  We work here, worship here, send our kids to school here, and spend our money here.  And neighbors help neighbors to our way of thinking.  You are never alone when you rent a spa suite from Salon & Spa Galleria.

Call us today!