There are many reasons for starting a hair salon and one of them is so that you will no longer have to work at a commission salon and that you will be making more money. A salon business is not a small task and to some it can be hard but with the help of one of our leasing managers you will be able to meet all of your business wants and needs. Independent stylist operated suites are a great option for any stylist that is looking to start their own salon but not have all of the overhead costs that you would in owning your own salon. ISO salon suites are growing here in the north Texas area and Salon and Spa Galleria is one of the top choices to choose from if you are wanting to get in to that market. There are many different options that you can offer as services in the rooms that we have such as a makeup artist agency or maybe you could offer massages and if you need to rent a massage table we have them. The massage table rentals that we offer are for our tenants that are just starting out and just do not have all of the tools to do the job just yet and we have other equipment as well. In order to start a private practice at one of our salons you will first need to find the location that you like and then the suite and after that you will set down with a salon leasing manager to discuss the rental terms. If you are ready to get started in the process of owning your own business and would like to talk with one of our managers then please feel free to stop by or contact us today.